Mundane Information
Name: Shannon Keniry
What you prefer to be called: Shannon
Age, or Approx. Age: 26
Experience Level in Pernese Fandom: read all the books, most of the short stories and the dragonlovers guide. Have previously played in a Pern PBEM.
Persona Information
Name: Caralin
Age: 16 turns
Gender: Female
Rank: senior apprentice, dragonhealer
Appearance: 5ft 11, Slim and slender build, blue eyes, brown hair with auburn highlights, tanned skin with freckles all over her arms. Usually dressed in tunic and pants
Personality: fairly shy and withdrawn with most humans, but also generally kind in nature
Brief Backround:
Caralin grew up in a small cothold. Her father, Corrlarun, migrated to the Southern Continent with his first wife when they were newly wed, and through his hard work within Southern Hold he was granted the right to a cothold near the furthest edges of that Holding. Corrlarun then proceeded to populate his new cothold, having nine surviving children by his first wife and five surviving (so far) by his second.
Caralin was the second youngest of eight children her father had by his first wife. As a result she grew up in a small, cramped cothold where there was no privacy and sleeping arrangements were a series of mattresses on the floor of the loft, which was divided in two by a curtain. Even though they were cramped and clothing was passed down to the younger siblings from the older, until it fell apart, they did not live in poverty and always ate well.
She grew up with a father who instilled in all his children a sense of economy, where nothing was thrown away if it was still in a useable condition. He also taught them to work hard and that they could achieve anything they desired if they just kept striving for it.
One of the important figures in her life is Melina, her stepmother. It was Melina who encouraged her in her dream to go to the weyr and it was Melina who gave her the idea to be a dragonhealer/dragonrider. The second important figure in her life was her eldest brother, Rulsar. It was he who first took her out into the thick forests around their hold to gather herbs and berries that were used for the cure to most common ailments around the cothold. It was Rulsar who also taught her how to navigate in the densely forested areas around their hold and avoid all the dangers. Rulsar also encouraged her interest in dragons.
Caralin has been fascinated with dragons since she first saw them as a small child. It has been her fondest dream to go to the weyr and would fall asleep every night wishing that tomorrow a dragon would come on Search to their small hold and pick her to go to the weyr. Since this never happened when she reached apprenticing age her step-mother arranged for her to have healer training.
In her first year as an apprentice she plagued her teachers with questions about dragon physiology and was constantly writing little dissertations in her journal on how she thought this or that treatment could be applied to dragonhealing. In response to this her teachers were arranging for her to finish her apprentice studies helping the dragonhealer at the weyr when she was Searched.
Gender Preference: heterosexual
Candidate Information
Possible Dragon Name: Farilth
Top Three Color Choices In Order: Gold or Green