Mundane Info
Name: Sarah What you prefer to be called: Your emperial Highness...or Kean works too Age, or Approx. Age: 19 ( May 27th W00T!!) Email: Dark_wolf_85@hotmail.comExperience Level in Pernese Fandom:Read all the books, did high reach weyr for a few years, ISta for 4 years, and Ameythst Dawn
Persona Info
Name:Keantha Age: 16 Gender:Female Rank: Candidate Appearance: Kean is about 5'8" with a sharp hourglass figure. Weighs about 150lbs. with long legs. Long black hair worn in a tight braid. HEr eyes are slightly almond shape and bright bright green like the new grass in spring. Her skin is a rich mocha color with full lips that are always tilted up in a smile( usally mischeif). She prefers pants to skirts but will wear either. HATES the color pink though. Has two ear holes in her right ear and three in her left. Personality: Keantha is a mischevious wild child. She is constantly at the center of a prank or planning one with her best friend and accomplice in crime Jessam. She is very sweet natures but has a quick temper and can be a downright bitch when crossed. Very Brief Backround: Kean is the youngest in a family of 11 children. Their parents, though very bussy always gave them all the love and attention they had in them. And what their parent's couldn't provid in the way of attention and caring the older siblings did. Growing up in such a large family gave her ample oppurtunities to prank people and soon learned the joy of making others laught. Jessam, her flit, was a birthingday present from her father just before she left home to become and candidate. Pets: Blue Firelizard Jessam Gender Preference:Male
Candidate Info
Possible Dragon Name:Zaidth,Lyth, Sadith Top Three Color Choices In Order:Gold, Gold, Green (hehhe you asked)