Mundane Info
Name: Ummm... Liz... What you prefer to be called: Ummm... Liz... Age, or Approx. Age: Umm.. old Email: goldlizard08@aol.com Experience Level in Pernese Fandom:Ummm.. guru
Persona Info
Name: :Lhiken Age: 16 Gender: male Rank: Candidate Appearance: Lhiken has short, sandy blonde hair. He is of medium height, about 5'6, weighing 120 pounds. His skin tone is paleish, and freckled all over. He sunburns incredibly easy, and has never experienced the word 'tan'. He has small, round, beady leaf green eyes. He is Thinthinthin. Capitol T was intentional. Thinthinthinthinthin. Sorry for shortness.. I'm not quite in writing mode, just sick of being chided by someone whose name starts with a B and ends with an Ecky J. Tempest Lewis. Personality: Lhiken is tired. No wait, that's me. Lemme think.. Lhiken is... hmm... tired.. wait, NO! LHIKEN IS NOT TIRED!! But I am tired. Back to the persona sheet, Liz, ::thwaps self and then falls over.:: Ok. Lhiken is very, um, spirited. Meaning he overreacts over everything. If something is funny, he'll laugh twice as loud as anyone else. And when he's mad, he's furios at everything. Not just what made him mad in the first place. The Candidatemaster suddenly needs to go between. The sky is evil. You got it? He's very passionate about anything and everything he does. Which leads to him being competitive. He's notorious for sneaking onto the hatching grounds to get his hands on the few extra large eggs. He's convinced he can impress bronze, if he tries hard enough. He won't be happy with anything less. He can be very argumentative, as is his nature. But around ladies, he can be most charming and charismatic. It's part of being competitive. Brief Backround: Lhiken was born. Do you need proof? I can write up some fake ID if you want. Moo. Ok. He was born.. at a hold. It was Topaz Cliffs Hold. When he was born, his mother was crying. Not because he was born, but it still makes you gawk, huh? OK. He was born at said hold, and said hold is where he grew up. He didn't have a craft. Because he was a drudge. Sorta. His mommy was a drudge and he worked in the stables. funfunfun. Smelly runners. Ick. He was searched at 16. Ummm.. yay. Not really. I'm tired. Gender Preference: Female
Candidate Info
Possible Dragon Name:
Top Three Color Choices In Order: Brown Blue Bronze Other: Bronze only is absolutely nothing left.