Mundane Info
Name: Liz What you prefer to be called: Liz Age, or Approx. Age: old Email: goldlizard08@aol.com
Experience Level in Pernese Fandom: guruu
Persona Info
Name: Mider Age: 15 Gender: male
Rank: Candidate Appearance: Mider has hair the color of pepsi. Browny brown brown. No highlights. Just brown. Brrrroooown. It is very brown. Kind of dark brown. But not really. Kind of like really muddy mud. Let's see if I can get another line in. Bbbbrrrroooowwwwnnnn.. It is like a brown cake with brown icing. The hair is brown, and there is no way around it. Sorry. It's cut kind of messy, kind of plain, kind of cute. His eyes. They are... b.r.o.w.n. Which stands for Brownness Rotating O-round With.. No-other-color-cept-brown. Like.. a dead leaf. Not the kind at fall. Don't you get it!!?? The kid's eyes are freaking brown!!!! No, NOT chocolate brown. DIRT brown. Like.. DIRT. WOW. Dirt is COOL. It is fun to eat. Cauz it has WORMS in it. And especially because it is BROWN. Ok. His skin is not brown. Just because we needed a little variety. Also because brown skin and brown eyes and brown hair is not genetically possible, and would make him look abnormal, which is exactly what we are NOT aiming for. He is 5'5 weighing 125 pounds. Average, completely, totally, and 100 percent. He has some muscles, but not a lot. Sort of an average amount. He has average sized feet. Personality: If brown describes Mider's looks, then ORANGE describes his personality. Mider is THE most excitable person in the weyr. Happy go lucky as if he'd just impressed gold, which would be QUITE awkward, now that I think of it. He's constantly hyper and always off-topic. He has a habit where he's catch one word of a sentence, say- the beastcrafter was swearing on her runner that such and such, Mider would jump in, "Runners? I met a runner once. His name was Tedwulfer, and he was greenish brown." But he's so childish, no one can help but giggle, because he hardly even knows what he's talking about. But even though he acts silly, Mider is quite the little smarty pants. He's an excellent strategist, as is evident in games like weyrchess, and when he speaks in that commanding tone, that is so rare it gets everyone's attention, no one argues. He's a born leader. He just has yet to show his true colors. Brief Backround: Mider was born at Brunar Cothold, a very small place painted totally brown. Even the walls were- well, anyway. He took up woodcarving as sort of a craft. He was taught be the hold carpenter. He's not excellent at it, but he could be worse. He was searched at 15. Gender Preference: Female
Possible Dragon Name:
Top Three Color Choices In Order: Brown, brown, bronze