Mundane Info
Name: Becky What you prefer to be called: Becky will do Age, or Approx. Age:14 Email: beckyjeanl@aol.com Experience Level in Pernese Fandom: plenty
Persona Info
Name: Sorcha Age: 32 Gender: female Rank: Senior Weyrwoman Appearance: Sorcha has steely gray, almond-shaped eyes with flecks of green in them. Her heart-shaped face is framed with waist length strawberry-blonde hair. She has high cheek bones and ivory skin that, to the Weyrwoman's horror, freckles easily. She's a short woman, though her small stature only accents her curvy body and surprisingly long legs. Personality: One word. Mercurial. This woman changes moods at the drop of a hat. Sometimes gentle, sometimes fierce, but whatever the mood, Sorcha is one woman you don't what to tangle with. Though her moods do swing dramatically, this 'lady' tends toward temperamental. The tiniest offense will send her into a rage that can last for days. Yet on the rare occasion when she's happy, she makes sure everyone is. Brief Background: Sorcha was born in Star Dust Weyr. Her father, a Dragonrider, barely gave her a passing glance, while her mother, Sari, was a cook and far too busy for her young daughter. But that never really bothered Sorcha too much. When she Impressed Queen Myrienth, she got all the authority and attention she could ever want. After her most recent flight, the other weyrfolk celebrated her departure to Silver Dusk to become the Senior Queen. Though, thanks to her fear of freckles, the poor inhabitants almost never have to see her. Gender Preference: heterosexual
Rider Info
Dragon Name: Myrienth Color: gold Age: 13 Personality: To the great misfortune of the Weyr, Myrienth's personality is a great deal like her rider's, though much more whiny. Further Description: Deep burnished gold hide makes Myrienth quite the sight. Though on the large side for a gold, she has an unusually lean body, though, added to her large, graceful wings, it makes her devilishly fast.